Joint us for business. Cal-Comp Electronics(Thailand)Public Company Limited over 15 years manufacturing experiences Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) in Thailand we are searching for deal in supplying parts,material and services from vendor in enterprise and open wide for accept the new to joint with us in supplying these need for enhance our production in the change of market.

|  | B2B Missions. SCM (Supply chain Management) is first phase of B2B system services. B2B system will get benefits for improve the purchasing process and information services between us and vendor

B2B Services Quotation Order Delivery Receive Quality Payment 
B2B Sub System The eBid system is the extend system of B2B system that purpose for service the general purchase and services bidding. From the aims of B2B will cover all purchasing and services enterprise sorting. | Biz News.
Packing label starting now. New format of Cal-Comp packing label available for printing now and you can print it through the internet. Download manual To printing shipping label has a bit setting for locate the label and eliminate the unwant display happen when printing document through internet. Please read the instruction document carefully.

XML Data exchange support now. B2B system developed from many recently internet base technology and integrated with the new modern data exchange technology - XML that these technology can integrate with very large new modern information tool such as Oracle and Microsoft. These XML can integrate with development tools such as Dot.Net and VB application development tools, from the purpose of our B2B system will be the most power information management tools and can working with the variety system and long running , it necessary to work with the higher version of application interface / operate with such as MS Excel 2003(XML Spreadsheet) and IE6-7 in lowest version |