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  DNS Version Update to 2.1

DNS System Version 2.1 Release Note.

The new released version of Cal-Comp DNS (Digital Nervous System)system to be developed from the old version concept, such the DNS system must support business base report in business transaction process, but it lack many services and information support efficency including the infrastructure that it used the old version of information management tool and it can not upgrate to the high performance hardware plateform.
The purpose for appearance of the new version of this DNS system it will be the revolution of web information system chasing the advance the world of web technology that born many enhancement tools for made the high effiective information support system.

DNS Concept.

The concept of DNS web information system came from the perspective of Cal-Comp high executive for the critical neccessary for information in business transaction and decision. We need the information tools for support infor in variability and multi-purpose and multi-requirement and especially the information must working with the dimension of time.

    New feature.

  • Internet Access Support : the option satified the concept of the information had no frontier, the information must grow with the growing of the organization. This feature enable the using of information in enterprise form.
  • Send report through mail system.: the report can send to ourselves or other one for take other referencing purpose.
  • Advance query support.: every output report can query for the most satification results.
  • User report saving : the report can save in static data into the system itself for reference in the future.
  • Report printing in fine format : the output report available for printing immediately at the user location.

Performance improvement.

The new version of DNS integrate the cache techniques for reduce the database access frequently and improve the speed by retrieve the report temporary file from the recently display without to connect the main database-these called cache file and the user can force reload the currently data if need. We offered the save option for permit user avoid to run the report in second time if they ever seen it before.